A pair of cleats?

Been thinking a lot about what it means to be a paraclete, to need a paraclete, and to paraclete one another.


(Before I go any further, I apologize to all my Greek scholar friends as I anglicize “paraclete” as a noun and verb. I hope this doesn't cause you to twitch too much.)


Parakaleo: “to call to one’s side, exhort, console, comfort, encourage, alleviate grief, intercede, help.”


We immediately think of the word as used to describe the amazing Holy Spirit and everything He does in our lives. I love returning to the Farewell Discourse (John 14-17) as Jesus tells us about the essential Helper. But it is also the perfect description of how we live out the “one anothers” of Scripture.


How can I be a paraclete? What do I bring to the table? What fish and loaves can I contribute to the body of Christ and to a world in need? What gifts do I bring?  A lot of hungry seekers and new believers are trying to figure out what it means to know and follow Jesus. How can I come alongside and paraclete those who want to grow?


For many of us--both individually and in community--we are coming out of a rough period. Some people are deconstructing their faith. Some people are reconstructing their faith. Some people are doing some much-needed remodeling and tweaking. How can I be a friend who is willing to sit alongside someone’s wrestling on the roller coaster?


Coming alongside. Continually inviting and encouraging people to experience a closer connection to Jesus. Not pushing someone to fit my mold. Not dragging someone along who is not ready. Offering the “hug and slug” we all need to keep us from straying like sheep.


“We urge (paraclete) you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.” (1 Thess 5:14)


Opening the Word, not to beat someone up with it, but to let God do the judging and nudging. Inviting people to taste and see that the Lord is good. We have been studying Matthew on Tuesday nights and I have learned so much from watching Jesus interact with people. If the people in the Bible study are learning a tenth of what I am, we will be changed.


“O magnify the LORD with me and let us exalt His name together.” (Psalm 34:3)


I am so blessed to be in community with people who support, encourage, and point me to Jesus. It's far too easy to slip into apathy and lose our focus. I keep saying it: We need one another. This life stuff can be challenging. Don’t try this alone.


“Therefore encourage (paraclete) one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.” (1 Thess 5:11)


Much love,



  • The Cincinnati Refocus and Refuel Retreat is coming up soon--September 22-24. This is for Men and Women, anyone who desires a closer walk with Jesus. Everyone is welcome, but this getaway is especially worthwhile for those in ministry to pull away and make sure everything we're doing FOR God is OF God. Space is limited and the Early Bird rate ends September 7. For more information and to register: https://www.psalmone.org/refocus-and-refuel


  • For friends Down Under: I will be returning to Australia and New Zealand to minister in 2024. If you are interested in sponsoring and hosting a Refocus and Refuel Retreat (48-hour soul care retreat), a Day of Refreshing (6-hour retreat), teaching, speaking, consulting, or other ministry for men and women, please contact me to discuss the possibilities.

Prayer Pilgrimage

Hi friends:


Five years ago (has it really been that long?), my father was declining quickly in the devastating last stages of Alzheimer's. I was driving 200 miles round trip once or twice a week, helping my sister care for both aging parents. (We lost Mom at the end of 2020.) My whole life was compressed into two packed sections: Psalm One Ministries and the ministry of caring for my struggling parents. In the midst of some of the hardest days of my life (I know so many of you have been there), I heard God saying, "Come away with me." My first response was, "No way. I can't. Can't you see I'm totally overwhelmed with everything going on here?" But He kept calling, beckoning, inviting me away. To a remote place. To a place with more animals than people. To a place near the sea. To extended silence, uninterrupted companionship, and unhurried time at Jesus' feet. To a place where He and I could wander in prayer far away from the unrelenting stress, grief, and exhaustion of my life here.


Life has a way of reminding us that we are not in control. Our limitations, failures, and disappointments teach us that we are not all that and a bag of chips. Things happen every day that were never on my agenda. Some waves threaten to overwhelm us. Some of life is just incredibly painful no matter how you cut it.


I would not have survived 2018 without that prayer pilgrimage. God knows me intimately, and knows exactly what I need for the days ahead. I took another prayer pilgrimage in 2019 and planned another in 2020—which I will finally embark on in August. This has become a non-negotiable aspect of what I need to do the ministry. If I am going to invite others into solitude, silence, and life-giving renewal, I need to respond to that invitation myself. My ministry must flow out of a place of surrender if I am to pour out Jesus instead of Linda.


What have I learned through these prayer pilgrimages?

  • He is El Roi, the God Who Sees.

  • There is one Savior, and it is not me.

  • We can too easily become a ministry machine or an empty shell in the midst of a world full of urgent, loud, and conflicting demands.

  • God reigns in eternity, and He is fully capable of running the world without me for a while when I step away to sharpen the saw and let him do a few necessary renovations.

  • I serve an indescribably amazing God of extraordinary love, mercy, compassion, power, creativity, humor, rest, and power.


A prayer pilgrimage is not a vacation. I love fun getaways with friends, but this is intentional time alone with Jesus. It's not a holiday. It is a long obedience in the same direction. It is choosing extended silence and solitude, seeking God, and following Him as the dust settles in my life and I surrender to His open-heart surgery. It is filling all my tanks for the journey ahead.  In many ways, it is a fast from all the scaffolding that is not God. It will most likely involve some dark nights of the soul, heart-rending loneliness, transforming work in the spirit, deep study, much-needed insights, indescribable joy, amazing encounters, exploding worship, divine appointments, and perhaps a few hilarious stories.


Please pray:

  • For travel logistics, safety on planes, trains, automobiles, boats, and especially out on the rugged road.

  • For provision. It's really expensive to travel alone, but that's kind of the point of all of this.

  • For my health. I have several limitations and chronic conditions that can be a challenge on the best of days, but especially thousands of miles away from home.

  • For meaningful and delightful encounters with people, animals, and especially with Jesus.

  • As some are aware, I know you should not approach wildlife, but wildlife doesn't know it should not approach me. I tend to have lots of close encounters of the animal kind. Pray for safety with whatever I encounter that may have fur, fins, flippers, feathers, or fangs. What could possibly go wrong in the wilds of Alaska?

  • For a few special photo ops as I wander with my camera, journal, and Bible. My good camera died on the sabbatical, so I have coughed up for a new one. Photography has become a powerful spiritual practice for me, and the photos may provide some joy to others.

  • As I trust God for His next marching orders. Where might He be calling me next? What open doors of ministry might He have for me? What invitations lie ahead? How can I share what He has given me? How might He use my teaching, writing, photography, discipleship, counseling, consulting, and connections?

  • That I will attentively listen to the Lord--that I will hear Him and obey.


On the road again…


Grace and peace,



I realize most of you are unable to pull away for an extended prayer pilgrimage like this. God is probably not calling you to do it. It may also sound absolutely horrible or so boring to some of you. Part of my goal is always to bring some of the lessons and treasures back to you vicariously through the Bible studies, retreats, soul care, speaking, teaching, writings, scripture pictures, and wacky "tales from the road". So please join us as with come alongside one another in this adventure of living in the Kingdom. All Psalm One events (except for pastors’ wives gatherings) are for men and women, lay and clergy, single and married, any age, anyone who desires to draw closer to Jesus.


Psalm One opportunities:


Ø  Join us for your own mini prayer pilgrimage at the Refocus and Refuel Retreat. A semi-silent getaway for Men and Women. September 22-24 or November 17-19 in Cincinnati. (Spoiler alert for the Aussies and Kiwis: Lord willing, Down Under in 2024.) Your own room plus acres of beautiful creation to roam. Time, space, silence, teaching, spiritual direction, and rest as we respond to Jesus 's grand invitation of grace. Spending time at Jesus’ feet individually and together. Don't be intimidated if you've never done anything like this before. You will have materials, direction, and the encouragement of others who are seeking God with you. My prayer is always, “Lord meet us where we are and take us where we need to be.” For more information and to register: https://www.psalmone.org/refocus-and-refuel


“Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone amidst non-stop interruptions? It was so refreshing to have the opportunity to listen to God's speak through His Word without interruption and pour my heart out to Him in prayer! I came home feeling light at having given the burdens of my heart to the Lord!”


Ø  Every Tuesday at 7:30pm ET: The Psalm One Bible Study. For Men and Women. We gather with friends from anywhere for Bible study, and the locals meet for dinner and fellowship. We are currently in Matthew, and you are always welcome to drop in. To stay in the loop to receive links and resources: https://www.psalmone.org/tuesday-night-bible-study


Ø  Thursday night “Sisterhood of the Fishbowl” just for Pastors’ Wives. This group has been a joyful lifeline for so many. An oasis in the week where we can gather with friends, share our roller coaster lives, laugh quite a bit, and receive a spiritual boost. Thursdays, 7:30pm Eastern Standard Time. To stay in the loop for these online gatherings, resources, and encouragement, sign up at the top of this page: https://www.psalmone.org/pastors-wives 


Ø  Soul Care Retreats just for Pastors’ Wives:

Life in the ministry is wonderful, weird, and sometimes very woolly. Come away to a fun and encouraging getaway with others who understand life on the front lines of ministry. Mark your calendars now to join us our next getaway.

  • Cincinnati, Ohio: February 9-11, 2024

  • Green Lake, Wisconsin: April 19-21, 2024

For more information and to register: Scroll down on https://www.psalmone.org/pastors-wives

Jesus’ Grand Invitation of Grace

How is it with your soul?


  • Joyful

  • Overwhelmed

  • Agitated

  • Free

  • Heavy

  • Anxious

  • Hungry

  • Longing

  • Numb

  • Wounded

  • Open

  • Discouraged

  • Hopeful

  • Unsettled

  • Burdened

  • Fragile

  • Peaceful

  • Neglected

  • Distracted

  • Rested

  • OR: “Say what? How on earth would I know? I don’t have a clue about the state of my soul. Can't you see I'm busy?”


A lot of hurting souls out there for many reasons. People are hitting the wall left, right, and center. Many are still dealing with the aftereffects of the last several years. Many who have never struggled much with anxiety or depression are feeling burdened by both. Some feel like they are stuck in a desert. Some are just weary. Several people this week told me they are “tapped out”. Life is crazy. We keep thinking things will slow down next month, but they just keep speeding up.


Other people are growing and flourishing and hungry for more. For solid feeding, genuine connection, authentic community, life-giving friendships, good input, spiritual nurturing. For a closer, deeper, more intimate walk with Jesus. They are not satisfied with “good enough Christianity”. They want a vibrant relationship with the living God.


Richard Foster loves to teach on “Jesus’ Grand Invitation of Grace”. I treasure so many memories of him standing in front of the congregation with his arms open wide and smiling as only Richard can smile, extending a gentle invitation to take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, and lean into our Lord’s guidance, care, and renewal.


"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”  (Matthew 11:28)


“Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." (Mark 6:31)


Come home, come home, you who are weary come home.


I treasure God’s prescription for the healing of our soul in Isaiah 30:15…

"In repentance and rest you will be saved,

In quietness and trust is your strength."


Sigh. Wow, what a release and blessing. Sounds like exactly what I need.


But the next line haunts me: “but you were not willing”. Thud.


Why wouldn't we be willing?


Because I'm busy. Because I have more important things to do. Because it seems like a waste of my valuable time. Because it takes focus and energy to feed my soul. Because I don't think it makes any difference.  Because I don't know what to do. Because I have no idea how to experience repentance, rest, quietness, and trust. Did I mention that I'm busy?


Yet my incredibly patient God still stands with His arms open wide in a grand invitation of grace.


“Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you,

And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you.

For the LORD is a God of justice;

How blessed are all those who long for Him.”

(Isaiah 30:18)


He waits for me to realign my priorities.


"Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters;

And you who have no money come, buy and eat.

Come, buy wine and milk

Without money and without cost.

Why do you spend money for what is not bread,

And your wages for what does not satisfy?

Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,

And delight yourself in abundance.”

(Isaiah 55:1-2)


When I’m hungry enough, I come. When I move an inch toward Him, He meets me where I am, leads me to the Rock that is higher than I, and begins to clear the fog.


“O people in Zion, inhabitant in Jerusalem, you will weep no longer. He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you. Although the Lord has given you bread of privation and water of oppression, He, your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will behold your Teacher. Your ears will hear a word behind you, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”

(Isaiah 30:19-21)


Come home, come home, you who are weary come home. Tend your soul. Accept the gentle invitation. Keep your soul alive toward God.


“Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)


Grace and peace,



Psalm One opportunities to feed your soul:


  • How I love the Refocus and Refuel Retreat. A semi-silent getaway for Men and Women. September 22-24 or November 17-19 in Cincinnati. (Spoiler alert for the Aussies and Kiwis: Lord willing, Down Under in 2024.) Your own room plus acres of beautiful creation to roam. Time, space, silence, teaching, spiritual direction, and rest as we respond to Jesus 's grand invitation of grace. Spending time at Jesus’ feet individually and together. Don't be intimidated if you've never done anything like this before. You will have materials, direction, and the encouragement of others who are seeking God with you. My prayer is always, “Lord meet us where we are and take us where we need to be.” For more information and to register: https://www.psalmone.org/refocus-and-refuel


“I remember on my first Refocus and Refuel Retreat when we went into silence, I was surprised at how noisy it still seemed to be…It was my racing mind. I didn’t realize how much I desperately needed this time to just lay down everything else, all the interruptions of day-to-day life, and just draw near to God and truly put Him first. No matter what state I’m in when I arrive at these retreats, whether mountain top or desert moments, God meets me there as I quiet my mind and have extended uninterrupted time with my Lord. When I let go of all expectations and just abide in HIM he always shows up and sometimes in the least expected ways. It’s a wonderful time to REST in HIM….and sometimes that actually includes a good nap. These retreats are the perfect balance of good Bible-based teaching, extended quiet time with God, and laughter over meals. The Refocus and Refuel Retreats are priceless!”


  • Every Tuesday at 7:30pm ET: The Psalm One Bible Study. For Men and Women. We gather with friends from anywhere for Bible study, and the locals meet for dinner and fellowship. We are currently in Matthew, and you are always welcome to drop in. To stay in the loop to receive links and resources: https://www.psalmone.org/tuesday-night-bible-study


  • Thursday night “Sisterhood of the Fishbowl” just for Pastors’ Wives. This group has been a joyful lifeline for so many. An oasis in the week where we can gather with friends, share our roller coaster lives, laugh quite a bit, and receive a spiritual boost. Thursdays, 7:30pm Eastern Standard Time. To stay in the loop for these online gatherings, resources, and encouragement, sign up at the top of this page: https://www.psalmone.org/pastors-wives 


  • Soul Care Retreats just for Pastors’ Wives: There’s no such thing as a “typical pastor’s wife”. You may be a pastor, accountant, stay-at-home mom, worship leader, butcher, baker, or candlestick maker. But you are invited to a fun and encouraging community of friends with others who understand life on the front lines of ministry. Mark your calendars now to join us our next getaway.

  • Cincinnati, Ohio: February 9-11, 2024

  • Green Lake, Wisconsin: April 19-21, 2024

For more information and to register: Scroll down on https://www.psalmone.org/pastors-wives